How to work with The Secret AD


Agencies are vibrant places. They’re fast-paced, high-pressure environments and can often be unforgiving at times. Sounds tough?

With so many demands and pressures, it’s not surprising that seniors struggle to dedicate the time they’d like to team development. The Secret Account Director plugs that gap.

Whether you need temporary support at a senior level, learning and development for the whole team or ongoing training and mentorship for juniors, The Secret Account Director has the experience and know-how to get you out of a tight spot.

Ways of working

Setting the expectations of how your full team should go from taking a brief to delivering award-worthy work can be transformational.

Want more profitable projects, a laser-focused and delightfully creative team working with dream brands who trust your expertise? Establishing the essentials in your agency is the way to get all of this and more!

training + behaviours

As client expectations, workloads and stress levels increase, learning and development often falls off our radar. But those are the times when investing in training for yourself and your team is most vital.

Including Client Services 101, managing client relationships and Strengths Profiling, The Secret Account Director runs workshops and masterclasses across a range of topics, but we’re also happy to create training tailored to your agency’s needs.

ongoing support + mentoring

Training is hugely valuable, it’s even more impactful when there’s someone on hand to help you as you make changes and implement the learning. That’s where The Secret Account Director comes in. Whether it’s 1:1 mentoring or knowing you’ve got someone at the end of the phone in case of a need, we’ve got you covered.

Something else

One size doesn’t fit all which is why The Secret AD will work with you to understand your needs, objectives and situation and create a tailored solution for you. We don’t always know what help we need, and part of our job is to figure that out with you.

Do you want to say no to wasted resources and ineffectual project management, and instead say yes to inspiring briefs, detailed financial records and Client Service excellence?

That’s what’s at the heart of The Secret AD. Empowering you and becoming your secret weapon, in whatever capacity you need.


  • Sessions can be delivered in the best way that suits your agency, whether that’s virtually or in-person.

  • The Secret Account Director will work with you to tailor the training for whoever you feel needs it. That could be your junior team, your senior team or a mixture. The content can be adapted to ensure maximum value for your team.

  • With over 15 years’ of experience working with creative agencies, Founder Sally can work with junior team members or those progressing through their careers.

  • "Sally is a complete breath of fresh air. Incredibly positive, nothing is a problem and if there is a problem, she'll sort it. Super organised, motivated and brought a great energy into the agency. Would absolutely 100% recommend her. Didn't want to let her go!"

    Gemma Stirling | Managing Director | Clear Marketing

  • "The sessions have all been really valuable. The fact we can attribute a big current client project win to the skills learnt by the team in the sessions with The Secret AD provides significant ROI on the training investment."

    Claire Hutchings | Founder + MD | Chime Agency

  • “Sally was lovely to work with, full of enthusiasm and interested in finding out as much as possible about big group to facilitate the training delivery. Sally is warm and approachable and her training style was a good match for giving our juniors the confidence boost they need!”

    Stephanie Burridge | People Director | big group

  • “Super clear and relaxed style, allowed the team to feel at ease and open up.”

    Adam Walker | Senior Account Director | Havas Lynx Group