What’s The Secret Account Director about?

You don’t know what you don’t know, and that’s ok

Over the last 5 years, the stress levels within agencies have increased. There’s an underlying tension and pressure to do more work than before, meet higher expectations and contribute to an ever-changing bottom line.

Across agencies there are:

➔ Tighter budgets, but more demanding clients

➔ Hybrid working means fewer opportunities to see how others get the job done

 Less time to spend on skills training

➔ Increased pressure on teams due to recruitment challenges

➔ Low team morale as a result of high staff turnover

 Greater financial reporting requirements due to commercial instability.

That means Junior Account Handlers are being put in situations they aren’t experienced in or equipped to handle. 

Time stretched seniors know that they aren’t training their junior staff, they know the impact this could, and is having on their client service standards. They also know that their team could be amazing, if they just had the time to teach them. 

For juniors they’re getting their advice from somewhere, and that quite often isn't their managers. Without knowing what information they’re being fed it’s easy for bad habits to be developed and the focus to slip from delivering best practice as often they just don’t know what that is. 

We could accept the situation and do nothing, or we could start a change.

Introducing The Secret Account Director

Female founder stood smiling at camera outside in front of glass doors of

The Secret Account Director partners with agencies to revolutionise what Client Services excellence will look like in the future. Working with agency leadership, we co-create a unique training and mentoring solution with time-stretched seniors who recognise their team’s potential and want to level them up. Because empowered and confident account handlers are crucial to delivering truly exceptional work for your clients.

Create your solution with The Secret Account Director, today.

Why The Secret Account Director is different

At some point, all of us have questioned how we performed in a meeting, tried to understand what questions we needed to ask a client, and even tried to decode a confusing email from a client. We’ve all been there. 

At The Secret Account Director, we’re here to share the load. To provide an opportunity for junior staff to put their hand up and ask a question that they don’t want to ask their manager or their peers for fear of looking silly. 

For some agencies that might be tailored or The Secret Account Director standard training packages and for others ongoing implementation support. Whatever your needs, we can create the solution to set you on the path to Client Services excellence.

grop of woman stood arm in arm with mentor from The Secret Ad

There are no silly questions, no assumptions, no criticisms, no wrong answers. 

We’re here to provide the solution free from judgement.

agency staff sat table in restaurant


If your team succeeds, the agency succeeds. Our goal is to provide support so that others can do their best work.

Their success is our purpose.

three woman relaxed and smiling at agency meeting smiling

Everyone is on their learning journey - including The Secret Account Director. We’re here to celebrate mistakes as opportunities to learn and want to share that mindset.

Sally Stevens The Secret AD Founder

Sally | The Secret Account Director

I'm on a mission to embed Client SERVICEs excellence at the heart of all agencies by ensuring everyone knows what that looks like.

Who can benefit from working with The Secret Account Director

The beauty of The Secret Account Director is that everyone benefits. We work directly with your Junior Account Handlers as their Client Services coach, empowering them with knowledge and helping them to thrive in the agency and their careers.

But through doing that the agency benefits, your clients benefit and the ripple effect spreads far and wide.

Take a look at how to work with The Secret Account Director


  • "Sally went out of her way to give her time, advice and support to the junior members of the team, and she was a fantastic sounding board when clients or projects were proving challenging. Never overbearing or patronising, her feedback was always welcome and I’m grateful to be able to lean into her experience still, 3 years since we met.

    Dedicated to helping people achieve their best, Sally is a fantastic mentor."

    Holly Steer | Director | The Marketing Steer

  • "Sally has been a great support and mentor ever since I’ve known her, always on hand to help support and advise, first as my manager and then as a mentor as I’ve developed in my career.

    She is passionate about supporting the growth and learning of people just starting out in marketing, as well as those who’ve been in the industry for a few years as it’s always valuable to have someone to turn to to ask a question or use as a sounding board.

    Dedicated to helping people achieve their best, Sally is a fantastic mentor."

    Lily Brookes | Marketing Manager | Awaze

Sometimes you need an experienced outsider to give you permission to put your hands up and ask the things it’s been assumed you know. That learning journey never stops, and it shouldn’t stop. But it needs to happen in a supportive environment where senior leaders are openly committed to raising standards. 

Taking that first step as an agency to develop your junior staff and strive towards Client Services excellence can be as easy as sending an email.