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Sally Stevens Sally Stevens

Advice to my younger account handler self

Hindsight is wonderful. The ability to go back and begin our career as an account handler again with the knowledge we now have? That’s a superpower we would gladly snatch at.

As part of our work to provide account management training and mentoring for junior account handlers, we sat down with five senior Client Services professionals to discover exactly what they wish they’d known when they first began working at creative agencies. Here’s what they had to say…

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Sally Stevens Sally Stevens

5 essential account manager skills and how to nurture them

Excelling as an account manager and handling the pressures of the job takes a specific set of skills, which isn’t easy to master. With the right tools and techniques you can nurture your team to become skilled, strategic and empathetic account managers who are an asset to your business and customer relationships.

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Sally Stevens Sally Stevens

How to address client feedback

Client feedback. Who’s stomach sinks at the phrase alone? For those of you working in agencies, it’s likely that you’ve often experienced a moment of dread when client feedback hits your inbox. But it shouldn’t be that way. Take a look at how The Secret AD believes we should approach client feedback, and how to reframe it as a useful tool, rather than a blocker, in delivering amazing work.

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